Design Done Differently: How Our Design Process Prioritizes You


While many interior designers work similarly, you are the quality that sets our design process apart the most. At the center of everything we do at Three Luxe Interiors, you’ll find our commitment to connecting with you and creating a home that supports you as a busy professional.

We always aim to understand who you are and how you want to experience your home.

How We Do This

Anytime we begin working with a new client, we take the time to get to know them. And this starts with our Lifestyle and Inspiration Meeting.

In this initial meeting, we spend a couple of hours deep diving into what you need and want from your home. While we cover a lot of ground, our top priority is keeping these meetings as relaxed and conversational as possible. We want you to feel comfortable, so we can get to know you.

We pay close attention to what our clients say they are looking for in their homes and how they say it. We notice body language, tone of voice, and mood because all these cues help inform us what you need from your space.

Only after these Lifestyle and Inspiration Meetings can we transition into our creative brain work and begin to develop a home design.

Why Use This Approach to Design

By getting to know you personally, we can better understand not only what you like when it comes to color, trends, and furniture but why you like it and how your desires support you in your daily life.

When we design your home, we change how you experience it. 

Enjoying the space you're in plays a significant role in your mood. Feeling good about your surrounding aesthetic is something that we want everyone to experience because it is essential to a well-balanced life. 

We create mood-supporting, forever homes by ensuring that we not only know what you like and dislike — or how you functionally need your home to work —  but we also seek to understand why

Knowing how you take in and process your surroundings and how you output and communicate can be a huge player in how the total home environment needs to exist to support you. Because, yes, you deserve to be supported by your home, including your furniture and decor.

We will always be thoughtful and considerate in communication with you. We have a strong passion for making sure you feel heard in a way that supports you. If you’re more introverted, we understand and respect it. We hear the quiet and soft-spoken just as clearly as the chatty and high-spirited. 

We create a customized experience for each client and aim to keep you relaxed throughout the process.

The Core Values Behind Our Design Process

Because we value you and ask for you to be open with us, we also strive for transparency in our design process. We believe you should know the core values of our business and how they support you, too.

#1 Quality

We strive to work at a premium level and to provide premium-level service and design at all times. 

We do this by only working with quality vendors and tradespeople who value the client experience and provide quality.

#2 Dedication

We are committed to providing exceptional and personalized client experiences. 

We do this by limiting the number of clients we take on at one time so we can give focused attention to each project through every phase of the project. 

#3 Support

We create beautiful, functional, and supportive forever homes by listening and learning who our clients are and thoughtfully delivering exactly what they need. 

We achieve this by constantly striving to anticipate client needs and questions, both spoken and unspoken, and prepare to answer and meet them.

#4 Trust

We trust our clients, and our clients trust our process. 

Through a comprehensive intake process, we take the time to really get to know our clients — who they are, how they live, and how their homes need to function to support them. Our efforts to understand them help them to trust that we are in this for them. 

We also maintain consistent communication with them throughout the project, never leaving them to question where things stand.

#5 Discretion

We understand that home is personal and value our clients’ privacy. 

We understand the importance of maintaining personal and family privacy. We will never reveal our clients’ names, specific locations, or any detail that would open doors for undesired attention. Any details provided publicly on our clients’ projects are done only with the client’s express permission.

Our Process Exists Thanks to You

Every value in our business and each step of our process exists because we want to support you in designing the forever home you deserve.

We couple an intentional process with proven design sense to care for you, our clients, and your homes from start to finish.

Are you ready to have this level of care for your home’s design? Schedule a complimentary introductory call with our team today.


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