If you’re interested in working with an interior designer, then you’ve no doubt asked yourself, “how does the interior design process work?”, or “what should I expect when working with an interior designer?” Well, we have answers for you. While every design firm will have their own individual process, many firms follow a similar structure. The most important thing is that the firm indeed has a structure for you to follow. You want to feel comfortable and confident that you know what to expect and when to expect it.

Most of our clients come to Thee Luxe Nine wanting to furnish multiple rooms in their homes. They want a professional touch. Someone to create cohesion and a home that specifically supports their needs and desires. These clients are usually busy professionals that want to spend their free time enjoying their home, not working on DIY projects. They want a full turn-key experience and to be Wow’d and feel supported by the home they dwell in each day. Through our 5-Phase Turn-Key Interior Decorating service we give our clients exactly that.


Our Turn-Key Interior Decorating service is a 5-phase process that takes our clients from conception to completion with full turn-key results. What do we mean by turn-key? It means that our clients have to do is walk in and enjoy a home that’s fully decorated and styled to their liking. Beds made, soap dispensers full, candles lit– the full nine yards. If this premium design experience sounds appealing to you, keep reading below to learn more about our process.


Turn-Key Interior Decorating: Our 5-Phase Process

Phase 1- Assessment and Agreement

Phase  2- Research, Design and Presentation

Phase 3- Procurement & Design Administration

Phase 4- Installation, Styling and Reveal

Phase 5- Project Completion

Phase 1- Consultation and Agreement

After a brief telephone introduction to learn more about a potential client’s specific needs, Phase 1 of our design process kicks off with a Space Assessment Meeting. This meeting is a time for us to meet in person and take a look at the rooms requiring our design services. Following this meeting, we dedicate our time to creating a customized design proposal that includes the understood scope of work and associated fees to bring project to completion. 

Phase  2- Research, Design and Presentation

Research Upon signing of the design agreement we dive right into our new client’s project with a series of meetings–one of our client’s favorites being the Lifestyle and Inspiration Meeting. This meeting is an expanded version of the initial questionnaire that client’s fill out, but in a one-on-one format. We take about 90 minutes of one-on-one time to chat with our clients in a laid-back, conversational style to get very clear on what their expectations are in terms of design and decor. We take a genuine interest in our clients and their daily lives and want to know how they truly live and function in their homes day-to-day. This helps us to determine what the home really needs to support them best. 

It is also during this phase–equipped with all the knowledge of our client’s needs and how they function daily in their homes–that we begin coordinating with any other trade professionals (contractors, painters, electricians, etc.) to come into the home to provide us with detailed project estimates.

Design Development.
With research complete, the development of the design begins. The careful and thoughtful creation of floor plans, elevations, design concepts, renderings and sourcing of specific products takes place at this time at this time. This step usually takes several weeks, but is always worth the wait!

Design Presentation  Once the design is complete, we meet with our clients go over the details of their custom design plan. The presentation includes floor plans, visual concepts, color schemes, furniture selections, and fabric and finish samples to see, touch and feel. It is a very exciting day for both us and our clients.

Phase 3- Procurement & Design Administration

After our clients have approved the design plan we transition into our procurement phase. This is another area that clients find working with a designer to be of significant value. We place and track all orders, assess lead times, note any back-orders or discontinued items that may delay the project, and make decisions whether or not to re-select. Order management can be a daunting task for many homeowners especially when furnishing multiple rooms or a full home. For the busy professional this is a tremendous task that we fully oversee freeing up their free time for other meaningful and important things in their lives.

It is also during this phase that we initiate our agreed upon role in any trades work included in a project. This usually means that we are collaborating with contractors, vendors,  and fabricators and also making the necessary site visits to ensure successful process and design completion.  We will collaborate to make sure that the design is achieved as intended

 Phase 4- Installation, Styling and Reveal

Furniture installation and styling day (or week in most cases) is what it all leads up to! 

Once ordered items are received, they are inspected for damages, and reconciled in preparation for installation day. We coordinate all deliveries and schedule all trades that will be involved for the final installation.

Installation is the big day(s) where we install all window treatments, deliver and arrange all furniture, have art installed, and style and accessorize the home to perfection. It is an all hands on deck process that ends in the realization of our clients’ dream homes.

The Big Reveal!

Design: Three Luxe Nine Interiors

This is when our clients finally get to see their home in its new glory! This can be a very personal and emotional moment for some clients, so we give our client’s the choice— we can stay to walk them  through each space or  leave and allow you time to soak it all in at their own pace! Either way it is a very exciting and special day for them and we are always so touched to have been apart of this moment in their lives

Phase 5- Project Completion

Following the reveal we meet with our clients to officially close the project. We will talk with them to make sure that they are fully satisfied with their new home.  

We will leave our clients with a final project folder that includes how to care for each new furniture piece and will include any available warranties.

There you have it, Three Luxe Nine’s 5 Phase Design Process. There are also steps within each phase that we provide our clients with ahead of time when working with us. Having a clear and easy-to-follow process is essential to a smooth design process and a great working relationship with your interior designer. 
If you’re local to the greater Washington, D.C. metro area including Chevy Chase, Bethesda, North Bethesda, and Potomac, and you’re in need of a turn-key interior design process for your next project, reach out to us here, we’d love to help!


