If you have an interior project in mind but aren’t sure if hiring an interior designer is right for you, you’ve come to the right place.  Assessing whether to hire an interior designer for your next home project is a question that crosses the mind of many homeowners, especially when the project goes beyond a simple weekend paint job. Hiring an interior designer is a great decision when you’re not certain that you have creative vision, skill or time to devote to your home project.

Feeling supported by and connected to your home truly serves a purpose for everyone. It is something that we all innately desire, from the smallest child to the oldest adult. Perhaps you know your home isn’t working for you in its current state, but have no idea where to begin; or maybe you have an idea but simply no time to dedicate due to your busy day-to-day schedule. This is where hiring a designer becomes beneficial.


One of our beliefs at Three Luxe Nine Interiors is that everyone deserves to live in an amazing home that supports them and brings them comfort. Enjoying the space you're in can play a significant role in your mood, so feeling good about your surrounding aesthetic is something that  we want everyone to experience. We believe it is essential to a well-balanced life. 

What does a professional interior designer actually do?

Residential interior designers create safe, functional, and beautiful homes. When creating designs, we will consider all aspects of a room from structure, orientation to lighting conditions. We are constantly thinking about how we move through spaces and what is needed in order for the space to flow best and feel most comfortable. At Three Luxe Nine Interiors we approach design work seeking a deep understanding of how homeowners live and function in their homes day to day, first. We use all of these details to develop a design plan that works best to meet the homeowners needs which can involve everything from spatial planning to furniture selections, procurement and everything in between.

Our main goal is to ensure each home reflects the homeowners wants, needs, tastes, and lifestyles.

Let's have a look at 5 benefits of hiring a designer:

1. Professional Assessment

When you hire a professional, you will receive a well-considered plan of action for your space. This relieves many homeowners of the overwhelm that can be involved in a home project. Ever heard of decision fatigue? In addition, as designers we will consider the most appropriate order of action in a design plan. It is equally as important as the action items themselves. Knowing that your paint color selection should only come after your hard material selections such as tile and hardware is a consideration that designers are aware of that most homeowners are not.  A design professional will help develop your ideas, tackle challenges and also uncover opportunities that you may not have considered.

2. Strategic Planning

Developing a strategic, documented plan with your established budget and needs as a guide is how your interior designer will commence your project. Rather than excitedly jumping in and making thoughtless decisions, designers and decorators take a more intentional approach that will undoubtedly save you time. Having knowledge on where to go for everything related to your home, your designer eliminates the need for you to spend the time figuring these things out for yourself. You’re way too busy for that!

3. Qualified liaison

An interior design professional will be able to build a powerful bridge between you and your contractor. Knowing how to speak the language when it comes to architects and contractors, an interior designer can play an essential role in properly conveying your needs. Serving as this liaison can prove important in facilitating the appropriate allocation of funds and time. 

4. Access to Resources

Ever wonder why you can’t find that sofa that your neighbor that used an interior decorator has? It’s because many designers develop relationships with furniture and decor vendors that only offer to sell their products to design professionals. This allows decorators to create unique, one-of-a kind spaces for clients. You’re not hiring a design professional for your home to look like the latest furniture catalog that came in the mail, right? You’re hiring a professional to provide you with a home that is reflective and supportive of your day-to-day needs are and is catered specifically to your tastes.

5. Save Money

Hiring a designer can help you to avoid costly mistakes. Because of all of the considerations an interior design professional takes into account ahead of time the likelihood of running into unanticipated, costly mistakes is slim.  If you’ve ever known anyone that has had to return a furniture piece because it doesn’t even clear the entrance of the front door, then you know that’s a costly mistake you want to avoid. There are many other similar considerations, much larger ones, in fact, that an interior designer will be sure to help you avoid making.

In conclusion, whether you're building a new home from the ground up, renovating or redecorating, working with an interior designer is a smart decision for so many. We are professionals who will listen to your needs and help you realize your vision for your home.

If you’re in the Washington, D.C. metro area, we’d love to help transform your home. Contact us today to discuss.
